Medical Devices: A review of the best smart ECG and EKG Electrocardiograms

ECG Machine

An Introduction to: ECG and EKG Electrocardiograms In this article we review the top personal ECG and EKG Electrocardiograms. But first, let’s understand a little more about the electrocardiogram, why we use them and who might benefit from them. An electrocardiogram, sometimes abbreviated to ECG or EKG, measures the electrical activity and rhythm of your … Read more

Medical Devices: A review of the best Pill Organizers and Dispensers

Pill Dispenser

An Introduction to: Pill Organizers and Dispensers In this article we review 5 of the best smart Pill Organizers and Dispensers. But first, let’s understand a little more about the importance of taking you take medications regularly and on time and why you might benefit from these. Medications should be taken as clearly prescribed by … Read more